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In the first year of Sprint Project Connect, a nationwide wireless phone collection and recycling program, Sprint raised nearly 600,000 dollars for charity.... posted on May 31 2003, 517 reads


Research by Paul Ekman, at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, suggests that meditation and mindfulness can tame the amygdala, an area of the brain which is the hub of fear memory.... posted on May 30 2003, 1,158 reads


It's not everyday that someone on death row gets nominated for Nobel Peace Prize. But it happened to Tookie. When Tookie was 16, he founded one of the most notorious gangs in the history of the country -- Crips. At 26, he was convicted for four murders and placed on death row. But after two years there, in solitary confinement, Tookie deeply regretted his past; today, he works diligently from ... posted on May 29 2003, 932 reads


Animal Instincts
On February 4, 1975 the Chinese successfully evacuated the city of Haicheng several hours before a 7.3 magnitude earthquake -- based primarily on observations of unusual animal behavior. 90% of the city's structures were destroyed in the quake, but the entire city had been evacuated before it struck. Nearly 90,000 lives were saved. ... posted on May 28 2003, 1,225 reads


Hug the Trees!
The mountain people had used the forests, sustainably, for their food, shelter, medicines and fodder for animals. But one fine day, the government restricted their access and sold licenses to fell trees to the highest bidder. When the first loggers, from a sporting goods manufacturer, arrived to chop the trees, Chandi Prasad Bhatt swiftly moved to action. Along with the locals, they hugged the t... posted on May 27 2003, 1,273 reads


... posted on May 26 2003, 412 reads


... posted on May 25 2003, 2,069 reads


She is deaf, can't hear any music, but writes it like poetry! Tammie Willis lost all her hearing when she was beaten during a robbery; she even considered suicide. But soon after, she became inspired by Beethoven and beat all the odds to learn several instruments and started composing music. Tammie Willis recently got a master's degree in music composition.... posted on May 24 2003, 802 reads


If each commuting car carried one more person, we'd save 18 million gallons of gas everyday.... posted on May 23 2003, 853 reads


Pictures of Beauty in Guatemalan Dumps
Young lives transformed, guided by a camera lens. In Gautemala, Evelyn Mansilla joins her mother and dozens of neighbors to scavenge through the municipal dumps for valuables. But now, the 21 year old Evelyn is part of a program, "Out of the Dump," that brings photography skills and confidence to slum children. As they unblinkingly document impoverished slums that have surreal names like Hope o... posted on May 22 2003, 1,365 reads


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